Our Grant Team

Magdalena Biniaś-Szkopek

Magdalena Biniaś-Szkopek PhD, professor, by passion and education I am a historian, archivist and librarian, although I like to think of myself most as a custodian. In 2008, I tied my professional career to one of the most valuable bookshops of knowledge in Poland – the Kórnik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Since 2023, I have had the unquestionable honour of being the director of this institution. At the same time, for more than ten years I have been working at the Faculty of History of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, where I have had the good fortune to develop academically and to educate students. I consider my greatest achievements in the academic field to be the publication of a monograph on marriage in medieval Poland (Małżonkowie przed sądem biskupiego oficjał poznańskiego w pierwszej ćwierci XV wieku, Wydawnictwo Instytutu Historii UAM, Poznań 2019) and the preparation of a book entitled Marriage in Medieval Poland: A Study of Evidence from the Poznań Consistory Court, 1404-1428, which will be published by the Brill publishing house in 2024 and whose creation was supported by the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities. I am also the author of several dozen scholarly articles and co-author of an edition of the Memoirs of Jadwiga née Działyńska Zamoyska (1831-1923) and her daughter Maria (1861-1937). I am eager to popularise science by preparing small articles, popular studies and radio programmes. Since 2022, I am in charge of an international grant implemented within the NCN Opus programme entitled. „Polish queens of the 15th and 16th centuries as wives and mothers”.

Darius von Güttner-Sporzyński

Darius von Güttner-Sporzyński, PhD, professor, Campus Dean, Canberra Campus, Australian Catholic University, is a historian of Central Europe with a particular interest in cultural aspects of transmission of ideas and identity. His publications cover diverse aspects of history from the Middle Ages to early modern and the modern eras. He is currently editing three collections of essays for Brepols Publishers: “Jagiellon Europe–Central Europe”, examining the early modern dynastic networks of power and gender politics, “The Jagiellon Queens Consort: Queenship, Role and Impact”, examining cultural, familial, religious, and political aspects of women’s exercise of power, and “Bona Sforza d’Aragona (1494-1557), Queen of Poland”, examining the impact of the Sforza heir as Queen Consort of Poland and her land management reforms in Lithuania.

Susan Broomhall

Susan Broomhall, PhD, professor of Early Modern Studies and Director of the Gender and Women’s History Research Centre at the Australian Catholic University. She has published widely on queens, women in power and the intersection of gender ideologies with political systems in the medieval and early modern world. She published The Identities of Catherine de’ Medici, with Brill in 2021. Her monograph, 25 Women who Shaped the Joseon Korean Court, and an edited collection Queenship and Natural Resource Management in Early Modern Europe, 1400-1800, with Clare Davidson, are both forthcoming with Routledge. She is the General Editor of the forthcoming, six-volume Bloomsbury Cultural History of Gender.

Agnieszka Januszek-Sieradzka

Agnieszka Januszek-Sieradzka PhD, professor, historian, employee of the Institute of History at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, from 2019 to 2022 coordinator of didactics at the Institute. Member and secretary of the Commission on Czech History and Polish-Czech Relations of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), member of the Research Team on the Manors and Power Elites of the PAN and of the Scientific Society of the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL). He is involved in research on early modern Polish history, especially on the reign of the Jagiellons, the royal court and its culture, Old Polish epistolography and women’s history, as well as early modern regional and economic history. As part of the research project 'The Jagiellonian era and its legacy in the First Republic until 1795. Źródła do dziejów wojskowości polskiej w epoce Jagiellonów”, she prepared, in cooperation with Dr. Andrzej Gładysz, a critical edition of two treasury-military books from the reign of King Zygmunt Stary. She is the author of dozens of articles and monographs: „The royal residence in Niepołomice during the reign of King Zygmunt August, 1548-1572” (Lublin 2006) and „Queen Barbara Radziwiłłówna in the court micro-world” (Lublin 2017). Editor and co-editor of several multi-author monographs. Since 2009 editor of the series Praeclara stirps Jagiellonica, which publishes works on the Jagiellonian era by budding and young academics. Organiser and co-organiser of several national and international scientific conferences and speaker at more than thirty symposia and conferences. She carries out popularisation activities aimed at a wide audience.

Bożena Czwojdrak

Bożena Czwojdrak, PhD, professor, works at the Institute of History at the University of Silesia in Katowice. Author of three monographs: Rogowscy herbu Działosza podskarbiowie królewscy (Katowice 2002), Jastrzębce w ziemi krakowskiej i sandomierskiej do połowie XV wieku (Kraków 2007) and Zofia Holszańska. A study of the court and the role of the queen in late medieval Poland (Warsaw 2012). Author of several dozen articles on noble and magnate genealogy and the courts of female rulers in late medieval Poland. Co-editor of the journal Polish and Common Middle Ages. Head of the Team for Research on Mansions and Power Elites at the Pan Polish Historical Institute in Warsaw and member of the Team for Research on Mansions and Residences (Výzkumné centrum dvory a rezidence ve středovéku) at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. He participates in the Vivarium project. He is currently completing a monograph on the courts of queens in late medieval Poland.

Robert Tomczak

Adjunct post-doctoral trainee at the Faculty of History of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and researcher at the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences. His research interests include the history of Poland and the Czech Republic, with particular emphasis on intellectual and cultural contacts (15th-17th centuries); the history of universities; the history of Switzerland and Polish-Swiss relations (15th-18th centuries); the history of Polish-Irish relations, as well as biography, genealogy and heraldry. He is the manager of two grants: Wielkopolska town books in the modern period – source editions (NPRH) and Corpus Alborum Amicorum Polonorum (NPRH). Scholarship holder of the Swiss Federation for outstanding scholars 2019-2020 at the University of Basel; the Polish Historical Mission at the University of Würzburg (2022) and the Lanckoroński Foundation (2022). Winner of the START scholarship of the Foundation for Polish Science (2021) and the Professor Czesław Majorek Prize for the best doctoral thesis in the history of education (2021).

Author of books: East Central Europe and Ireland. Political, Economic, and Social Interconnections, 1000-1850, Turnhout 2024 (co-author Adam A. Kucharski); The Rise and Development of the Swiss Confederation in the Middle Ages, Kraków 2023; Educational Contacts of Poles with Prague Universities in the XVI-XVIII Century. A prosopographical study, Poznań 2021; and Kontakty edukacyjne Polaków z uniwersytetami praskimi w okresie średniowiecza. A prosopographical study, Poznań 2020.

Assistant editor of the East Central Europe 476-1795 (ECE) publishing series of Brepols Publishing House, editorial secretary of the scientific journal Historia Slavorum Occidentis, secretary of the Centre for the History of Education (Centrum pro dějiny vzdělanosti) at the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and member of the editorial board of the journal Časopis pro kulturní dějiny KUDĚJ.

Agnieszka Pawłowska Kubik

I am from Gdynia by birth and choice, but I spent my studies in Toruń. I graduated from Nicolaus Copernicus University with a degree in history (2008) and Polish philology (2009) – both majored in Interdepartmental Individual Studies in the Humanities. In 2016, I defended my doctoral thesis (From the denunciation of obedience to Sigismund III (24 VI 1607) to the pacification Sejm (1609). Rzeczpospolita na politycznej rozdrożu), written under the supervision of Prof. Tomasz Kempa. From 2018 to 2024, I worked in the Department of History and Philosophy of Medical Sciences at the Medical University of Gdańsk. I serve as deputy editor-in-chief of the „Gdańsk Yearbook”, and I am also a member of the Gdańsk Scientific Society and the Association of Families of Soldiers of the Polish Underground State „Osuchy 1944”.

My research interests focus on the modern history of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, with particular emphasis on the political history of the second half of the 16th century and the first half of the 17th century, and early modern medicine. I am currently working on an edition of the correspondence of Anna Jagiellonka. I am a winner of scholarships from the Polish Historical Mission in Würzburg and the Brzezie Lanckoroński Foundation, and in 2015 I won a distinction in the competition „Complicated and Simple” under the patronage of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. I have published (as author and co-author) dozens of scientific and popular science papers and teaching materials for history teachers. My book Rokosz Sandomierski 1606-1609. Rzeczpospolita na politycznym rozdrożu (Toruń 2019) won a distinction in the competition for the best academic book organised by the Poznań Book Fair.

In my spare time I step into the role of OPTImama, reading and walking in the woods.

List of publications:


Dominik Kadzik

Dominik Kadzik, PhD – Assistant Professor at the Institute of History of the Jagiellonian University. He is involved in the history of early modern courts, the reign of the first elected kings, mainly Stefan Batory. In addition, his research interests focus on the history of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th century and the history of the execution movement and the nobility in the times of the last Jagiellons and the first elected rulers. He is the manager of two grants: an individual one, implemented within the framework of the NCN – prelude entitled „Dwór polski Stefana Batorego – powstanie, organizacja, funkcjonowanie i dekompozycja” (Polish court of Stefan Batory – establishment, organisation, functioning and decomposition) and a team one, financed from the NPRH – national heritage, entitled „Dwór polski Stefana Batorego – powstanie, organizacja, funkcjonowanie i dekompozycja” (Polish court of Stefan Batory – establishment, organisation, functioning and decomposition). „Summarisation of selected Books of Entries of the Crown Metryka of Jan Kazimierz Vasa from the collection of AGAD in Warsaw”. Major publications include: Maintaining the royal mother-in-law: the visit of Maria of Bavaria during the wedding of Sigismund III Vasa to Anna Habsburg (23 May – 16 June 1592), Kraków 2017, pp. 247; „The court army” at the beginning of Stefan Batory’s war with Gdańsk in the light of treasury records, „Przegląd Historyczno-Wojskowy” 2017, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 9-43; Foreigners at the Royal Court of Stephen Báthory on the Example of Inhabitants from the Lands of the Kingdom of Hungary, „Przegląd Historyczny” 2021, vol. 112, no. 2, pp. 397-414; The political career of Gáspár Bekes and Ferenc Wesselényi in Poland-Lithuania during the reign of Stefan Batory, „Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Prace Historyczne’ 2021, vol. 148, no. 4, pp. 673-686. He is also an associate of the 'Team for research on courts and power elites’ at the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences and serves as secretary of the Cracow Branch of the PTH.

Marek Ferenc

Marek Ferenc, PhD, Professor at the Jagiellonian University – historian of the early modern period, employee of the Institute of History at the Jagiellonian University. He conducts research into the history of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th century. He has published, among others, scientific monographs: The Court of Sigismund Augustus. Organisation and People (1998); Mikołaj Radziwiłł „Rudy” (c. 1515-1584). Political and military activity (2008); The Court of King Sigismund the Jagiellonian (1493-1506). Organisation, people, work (2023).

Anna Drążkowska

I am an archaeologist and specialist in the conservation of archaeological monuments. I work at the Institute of Archaeology at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. My research interests include the history of clothing and textiles and funerary culture. I conduct interdisciplinary research in burial crypts. I specialise in the conservation and reconstruction of grave robes and objects made of various raw materials (wood, metals, leather, textiles, glass) provided by the archaeology of crime. I have reconstructed, among others, vestments from churches in Toruń, Gdańsk, Kostrzyn, Lublin, Brzoza, Warsaw, Wschowa, Gniewo, Kraków, Przemyśl, Chełm, Łowicz, Węgrów and Dubna in Ukraine. I have also conducted conservation of an ensemble of pontifical vestments, bishop insignias and baroque coffins from the crypts of the archcathedral in Przemyśl and vestments of Uniate bishops from the crypts in Chełm and vestments of Polish Primate from the crypts in Łowicz.

I am the author of six books on the history of garments, a catalogue of burial furnishings from Cracow and the editor of four publications on funerary culture.

Marcelina Kilińska

Marcelina Kilińska – a graduate of historical studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.  Currently, she is a first-year doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Humanities at the Adam Mickiewicz University, where under the supervision of Professor Magdalena Biniaś-Szkopek, PhD, she is preparing a dissertation on the proceedings of an officiate in matrimonial matters and an analysis of the functioning of the office of the bishop consistory in Poznań in the years 1433-1435.

In the grant, she is carrying out tasks related to the identification of records concerning Polish queens from the Jagiellonian era, found in 15th- and 16th-century chronicles.

Research interests: church history in late medieval Poland, late medieval historiography, history of women in 15th-century Poland, Latin palaeography, church chancelleries of the late Middle Ages.

Key publications:

Marcelina Kilińska, rec. M. Saczyńska-Vercamer, Władza i grzech. Supliki z terenów metropolii gnieźnieńskiej do Penitencjarii Apostolskiej w XV wieku, Warsaw 2021, pp. 346, Historia Slavorum Occidentis, R. 14, no. 2 (37), pp. 227-230.

Marcelina Kilińska, rec. A. Kozak, Księga sądowa gnieźnieńskich wikariuszy generalnych Sędek z Czechla i Jana z Brzóstkowa (1449-1453, 1455) Studium źródłoznawcze i edycja krytyczna, Poznań 2023, pp. LXXXV + 522, Przegląd Archiwalno-Historyczny, T. X, pp. 280-284.